Android Studio Tour

Android Studio Tour

Android Studio Tour, Developing of App, Changing the Settings, Running the App, Writing Code, Designing the App

On left there will be Two Menus that will give us Full Exposure to the Android Studio


Click On Android Menu

There will be two menus displayed

\> App

\> Gradle Scripts

Now the first Main Thing is the App. Which is displayed in the Android Menu.

Inside the App, there will be another folder that is

\> Manifests

Now inside the manifests folder, there will be a file the file name is Androidmanifests.xml file which is used for taking permissions from the user like camera, Location, contacts, storage, App label name etc.

Inside the App folder, there will be another file that is Activityfile

in this Activity file, there will be many Activity files like the payment Activity file.


In this Java folder, there were three files in the Java folder.

  1. \> com.example.firstdemoapp

  2. \> com.example.firstdemoapp(androidtest)

  3. \> com.example.firstdemoapp(test)

ignore the above second and third steps that will be used in the code that is (androidtest, test)

The first step will be considered as the main thing


it is a source code of the java folder like Button the operation of Button when we click on that Button the inside operation will be done in the source code. That is the language whether it may be either Java or Kotlin the source code will be generated by the Button Inside working.

Res (resource) Management

Res Management is important for design, and layouts, these types of layouts will be defined in the Res management

inside the Res Management folder, there will be files that will be used more.

\> drawable

the drawable file has two types of files

  • ic_launcher_background.xml

  • ic_launcher_foreground.xml

    these two files will be used for adding images in the drawable file.

\> Layout

Inside the Layout folder, there will be a file called an Activity.main.xml

In the file, the Design of the App will present, and we can know how to use Drag and Drop feature code.


Inside this file, there will be three options which will be displayed on the Top Right side.

  1. Code

  2. Split

  3. Design

.xml is a version where all the Layouts will be done in .xml only like if you are a pro in Editing in Adobe app and want to add some new features so all the design and layout will be done in only .xml file.

\> mipmop is a file

\> values

In this Values folder, there are two files present

  • colors.xml which is used for an App theme.

  • Strings.xml here we don't use hard code only use the (key, value),

      <string name="app_name">Demoapp</string>

    \> Themes

  • themes.xml

  • themes.xml(night)

this themes folder will be used for changing the App colors accordingly.

\> Gradle Scripts

Third-party dependencies should be added to run smoothly and securely with the APIs.

Want to change any settings go to the file and settings will be seen there change accordingly.

This is the Android studio tour where you can use the all features, Easy to build.
